Hello friends!! My name is Mariah and I am 17 years. This past year Jesus has lead me in the direction of mission work. God gave me the amazing opporunity of going to Thailand this summer with International Mission Board missionaries.

I am so incredily blessed to have this opportunity to share the gospel. My group will be leaving June 16, 2017 and will be back on the 26th. We will be working with sex-trafficking victims and an orphanage.

My best friend is from Zimbabwe, Africa and at the beggining of this school year I met a girl from Nigeria, Africa and another girl from India. International missions is very important to me! I’ve never been out of the country so I am so excited for this journey! After highschool I plan on moving out of America and going to whichever country God leads me to. This trip will help me see if God really wants me to be a fill-time missionary.

This would be impossible for me to do without Jesus’s unfailing love and grace! But, I also need your help! I need to raise $3,500 by June so I can go contribute to the Kingdom of God! I would be so grateful if you helped me on this adventure! Thank you for reading this!

Please go to my GoFundme Page
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